What does sunset mean?

Have you ever wondered why the sun sets between afternoon and evening? Why its hues appear like fire in heaven? Why every time people pass by and witness the ebbing sun, we stop, stare, and feel consoled?

Two kids fixing their lambat (fishing net) after a plenty catch

Sorry to rupture your expectations, but the answer is nowhere to be found in this piece because until now it is still a mystery. And I want those questions to remain as questions for finding the answer might lose the clandestine glory of sunset.

Mama Mardita and Auntie Minnie while sharing stories and gossips 🙂

Everyone has his own interpretation on the onset of darkness—from a traveler’s view that has seen various sunsets during his travels in the country and abroad, to a local of a place where sunset is an afternoon delight, to a person from urban place who only takes glimpse of sunset whenever he escapes from his cramped milieu. Depending on one’s perspective, I believe that sunset conveys different meanings and I also agree that beautiful and other terms related to it is an understatement.

Mama tries to demonstrate something only she (and my aunt) could understand

I was lucky to have beheld beautiful sunset again on this year’s All Souls Day with my whole family. It has been the family’s tradition to visit my aunt’s rest house in Sabang, Morong, Bataan during this holiday ever since my uncle bade farewell on earth due to heart ailment. We didn’t gather to mourn, but to catch up and celebrate life despite of the trials everyone is going through.

Aling Lucing and Lola staring at the majestic sunset while chatting

That time of the day, I also captured candid moments of people important to me with the impressive backdrop of sunset. And no matter how I try to be creative with my writing, it cannot produce leverage with the artistry of twilight, not even my edit-less photos.

The bestfriends

I unremittingly clicked my shutter to catch the abstract formation of several shades in the sky. And when I looked at the end product of my snapshots with silhouette images, for the first time, I was the first to admire my photos. Then I realized that those I captured were special ones for they tell stories of happy people. Try to look at the pictures again, without words, they speak.

My cousins MJ and Gem enjoy the beach

I have read a lot of descriptions, articles, definitions, features, and short stories of sunsets from people with different backgrounds. The way they thread words after having a glimpse on it and the manner they share their thoughts are more than enough to show how perennial it really is. Aside from boundless praises they bequeath, it is undeniable that sunset has the power to transform them into a writer.

MJ running over me

Have you noticed its ability to make dark days bright ones? How it has quelled one’s wary mind?

People who chance upon the mystic view of sunset while they were happy became more ecstatic; others who were burdened somehow felt that the load on their shoulders became lighter; and those whose hearts were disconsolate felt their pain within turned out to be lesser. I call it magic which even a genius cannot discern.

Sunset and low tide Sabang beach

When I posted my pictures of sunsets on cyberspace, my intention was to spread something that would inspire others to travel or at least spur an urge that would lead them ditch their regular routine and take some time of their busy days to savor the same feeling of appreciation I acquired after watching the setting of the sun. I didn’t expect that people would give their views on it. Some said that it signifies that another day has come to an end and every day is beautiful. One commenter also stressed it illustrates that God is everywhere, while a friend stipulated that sunset is a sign that we should reflect on the things that we have done the whole day.

Wherever you are in the world, there is sunset (it’s different in the southern hemisphere though). For me, sunset is the extension of God’s love because it hugs the whole humanity with transcendent marvel.

So I ask, what does sunset mean for you?